Which banquet is that, I wonder.
Not likely to be eating crow, methinks. Or humble pie.
Certainly not Loki. Though he probably deserves it.
I simultaneously do and don’t want it to be *that* banquet.
Oh yeah, that banquet.
But this doesn’t seem like that Loki either. So…(shrug)
Oh ho ho ho.
I thought Hel was one of his daughters?
She is and she said so when she arrived. She’s the one with brown hair who is sitting down, the woman with black hair is her mother, Angrboda.
Someone else clarified, but yes! Hel is his (only) daughter and Angrboda is his ex-lover. Angrboda just looks half-dead because she’s been trapped in a cave for like twenty years lol.
In this comic Hel is the Brown haired lady and the woman with black Messi hair is Angrboda.
Well, as long as it is not a banquet/feast at Ægir’s hall, it’ll be just fine.
It is totally that particular one, isn’t it.
Who can say?? (me)
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Thistil Mistil Kistil is a comic about vikings, Norse gods, and their adventures together (or against each other). Updates are on Thor’s Day.
Not likely to be eating crow, methinks. Or humble pie.
Certainly not Loki. Though he probably deserves it.
I simultaneously do and don’t want it to be *that* banquet.
Oh yeah, that banquet.
But this doesn’t seem like that Loki either. So…(shrug)
Oh ho ho ho.
I thought Hel was one of his daughters?
She is and she said so when she arrived. She’s the one with brown hair who is sitting down, the woman with black hair is her mother, Angrboda.
Someone else clarified, but yes! Hel is his (only) daughter and Angrboda is his ex-lover. Angrboda just looks half-dead because she’s been trapped in a cave for like twenty years lol.
In this comic Hel is the Brown haired lady and the woman with black Messi hair is Angrboda.
Well, as long as it is not a banquet/feast at Ægir’s hall, it’ll be just fine.
It is totally that particular one, isn’t it.
Who can say?? (me)