Odin sweetie, neither Arne nor Ibrahim is a warrior. Coal cutting them down is not a ‘worthy’ battle, then nobody gets to Asgard. I think if a cunning plan was wanted, Coal’s already in the best hands for that?
That’s the problem with a verbal contract: too many “oh, by the way” clauses. And I agree with wavewright62; this would not be a ‘battle,’ it would be armed robbery compounded with first-degree murder. Just imagine the weregeld!
I was going to joke that they could just wait for them all to die of old age and ask Hel for the items, but Loki did admonish Coal for not living a full long life. Maybe his plan actually was for the items to end up with Hel and thus difficult to get back.
This is all assuming that someone like Ibraham would even go to Valhalla/Hel. Sure this afterlife exists, but that doesn’t negate the existence of other afterlives.
Plus, Coal was able to get Saoirse into some manner of spiritual world (Loki’s house) simply by carrying her there.
well… that complicates things…
Odin, that was not obvious.
You didn’t spell it out, this “delay” is 100% on YOU
Um… uh… what if they object?
Odin sweetie, neither Arne nor Ibrahim is a warrior. Coal cutting them down is not a ‘worthy’ battle, then nobody gets to Asgard. I think if a cunning plan was wanted, Coal’s already in the best hands for that?
Agreed. Though Loki’s plans tend to make Loki be the one who comes out the best.
Fortunately this isn’t the mythical Loki because that one is The Worst.
That’s the problem with a verbal contract: too many “oh, by the way” clauses. And I agree with wavewright62; this would not be a ‘battle,’ it would be armed robbery compounded with first-degree murder. Just imagine the weregeld!
I am curious now what Loki’s plan here was.
I was going to joke that they could just wait for them all to die of old age and ask Hel for the items, but Loki did admonish Coal for not living a full long life. Maybe his plan actually was for the items to end up with Hel and thus difficult to get back.
This is all assuming that someone like Ibraham would even go to Valhalla/Hel. Sure this afterlife exists, but that doesn’t negate the existence of other afterlives.
Plus, Coal was able to get Saoirse into some manner of spiritual world (Loki’s house) simply by carrying her there.
I’m calling shenanigans!