Chapter 17 | Page 10
on August 13, 2020
at 12:00 am
Loki is referring to the shape of the blade on Coal’s sword. I haven’t mentioned it much in the comic, but Coal’s sword has a single-edged blade, which is very unusual for Viking swords, and primarily found in Norway. They require more strength and a bit more finesse to use. Swords themselves were relatively rare weapons (compared to spears or axes or bows and arrows), because they take more time and skill to make. They were often handed down over generations with repairs and changes made as needed.
“…just like me”
Oh no. :c
Disarming yourself is stupid. Just cause you don’t want to fight, dun mean everyone around you doesn’t. Or that those that depend on you still wont need defending.
(Far below him, Hedda swims ashore with Coal’s torn tunic/mail bundle, “It’s still good, I can fix it up!”)
That’d be impressive.
She lives to serve. She really needs to stop that.
Getting King Arthur vibes from this, the Guy Ritchie one. Wrong myth I know. But similar moment of the hero attempting to throw away something important to them.
I haven’t seen that movie but violence is a popular focus in medieval stories. Thanks!
Not sure that Hedda in “shimmering Samite” would be a good idea… maybe too Fan-Servicy for this comic… (can she even stay afloat with that weight?)
So the sword is a reminder of his family and fighting. Those swords were handed down father to son, so very special.
Can’t see Coal giving that up.
Hard baggage to drop.
“A sword in hand is a sure sign of a violent mind; but one does not become non-violent merely by throwing the sword away.” — Vinoba Bhave, Indian social reformer
Very wise!
Loki – “So don’t just throw it away. I bet we could get a few bucks for it.”
Honestly, yeah.