Try not to look too pleased, Aud.
“goði” in case you want to get a good look at that letter, its name is Eth, ð and Ð “voiced dental fricative.” Th as in “feather;” as opposed to the unvoiced Thorn, þ and Þ Th as in “theater.”
Is that supposed to be IMmovable as the mountains?
Why do I get Red Wedding vibes off him
Poor Ingolf 🙁
“Good” men? They seemed pretty low-quality to me. I guess ONE of them was okay at catching a spear, though his method was rather unorthodox.
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Thistil Mistil Kistil is a comic about vikings, Norse gods, and their adventures together (or against each other). Updates are on Thor’s Day.
“goði” in case you want to get a good look at that letter, its name is Eth, ð and Ð “voiced dental fricative.” Th as in “feather;” as opposed to the unvoiced Thorn, þ and Þ Th as in “theater.”
Is that supposed to be IMmovable as the mountains?
Why do I get Red Wedding vibes off him
Poor Ingolf 🙁
“Good” men? They seemed pretty low-quality to me. I guess ONE of them was okay at catching a spear, though his method was rather unorthodox.