Odin: Coal, having ocmpleted your Labours in most excellent fashion, we have decided to honor you with a final important TASK…
Carbus: mmmmm.
Odin: The Gods desire that you secure all persons who look like Hedda and sequester them upon the lands of Eire forthwith…
Coal/Arne/Ibhm: (puzzled looks) Is this a Joke?
Odin/Loki/etc: No- our wives are Jealous, and there’l be no peace if you fail us…
Ibhm: “can we just include Kaledonia and ‘island in the internment zone, it’d save a LOT of time…” (how he knows this is um, a bit creepy)
Arne: “Yeah, you’ll REALLY piss off MOM if we try to take away her home… She might juust re-vert to paganism just so she ends up here and um… to complain.
Ibhm: “Wait, is this just northern europe or do we have to scour Iberia, Anatolia, Cartago, Dalmatia and all of north afrika?”
Loki: (slapping Odin) “See, I told you it was a stupid idea!”
Thank you for addressing the fact that everyone decided what was best for her without asking her what she wanted.
Haha, thanks! I admit I didn’t think of it myself for a while, then had a very “Duh!” moment.
It’s… the lamb’s mother, isn’t it
That would be something.
Getting the feeling she was going to say ‘I’m not actually Irish’
Odin: Coal, having ocmpleted your Labours in most excellent fashion, we have decided to honor you with a final important TASK…
Carbus: mmmmm.
Odin: The Gods desire that you secure all persons who look like Hedda and sequester them upon the lands of Eire forthwith…
Coal/Arne/Ibhm: (puzzled looks) Is this a Joke?
Odin/Loki/etc: No- our wives are Jealous, and there’l be no peace if you fail us…
Ibhm: “can we just include Kaledonia and ‘island in the internment zone, it’d save a LOT of time…” (how he knows this is um, a bit creepy)
Arne: “Yeah, you’ll REALLY piss off MOM if we try to take away her home… She might juust re-vert to paganism just so she ends up here and um… to complain.
Ibhm: “Wait, is this just northern europe or do we have to scour Iberia, Anatolia, Cartago, Dalmatia and all of north afrika?”
Loki: (slapping Odin) “See, I told you it was a stupid idea!”
Oh ho ho.
She’s right. I’ve never heard an Irish person say “There you are!”
Hah! I set myself up for that I guess.
Worried!Loki is about to kick some ass
with his words and crossed arms
Oh ho ho ho.
My money is on it being Arne.
With lots of enthusiastic questions.
A good guess.
Hide quickly, you have been discovered by the guards. this one will help.
I’m embarrassed at how long it took me to realize Eire was Ireland.