The F-word.
Coal… you are many things, but I don’t think “fine” is one of them.
(gods of old, I missed this comic)
Yeah he is all kinds of the other F’d up.
He does mention earlier in the comic that he has killed in battle before. And he is a beserker. I….I don’t know if a punch is even gonna faze him? Though Knifey’s head does look a tad… askew.
So sad. He goes from happy to agro so quickly. Boys gotta have emotional whiplash.
F as in Faen? :O
I really missed this comic.
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Thistil Mistil Kistil is a comic about vikings, Norse gods, and their adventures together (or against each other). Updates are on Thor’s Day.
Coal… you are many things, but I don’t think “fine” is one of them.
(gods of old, I missed this comic)
Yeah he is all kinds of the other F’d up.
He does mention earlier in the comic that he has killed in battle before. And he is a beserker. I….I don’t know if a punch is even gonna faze him? Though Knifey’s head does look a tad… askew.
So sad. He goes from happy to agro so quickly. Boys gotta have emotional whiplash.
F as in Faen? :O
I really missed this comic.
Thank you! Glad you came back.