Oh MAN, Freyr is kind of a sweetie to Coal here. :’D WHAT A PAIR OF SWEETIES.
Haha! Yeah Freyr is a nice guy. ;3 They can’t ALL be moody meanies.
hey, Odin, I know who has your spear! Look for a vampire named Remilia in a land called Gensokyo! /end Touhou reference
Haha! I don’t get that reference, but thank you for reading anyway. XD
Awww, Freyr’s such a sweetie here. Everyone’s all gloomy and serious over their lost weapons, while he’s just smiling like there’s nothing wrong in the world. c:
Wonderful comic here, been reading for an hour or so and I’m completely hooked!
Thank you! Yeah Freyr’s just a nice guy, he doesn’t see a reason to frown at the kid. XD
Wait… wait a minute… Panel 2… was that a … smile from Coal?
His face in the last panel reminds me to no end of this: https://31.media.tumblr.com/4409f8a9a641a24724549066a66bf473/tumblr_mtbiewdgc11qg3q94o1_250.gif
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Thistil Mistil Kistil is a comic about vikings, Norse gods, and their adventures together (or against each other). Updates are on Thor’s Day.
Oh MAN, Freyr is kind of a sweetie to Coal here. :’D WHAT A PAIR OF SWEETIES.
Haha! Yeah Freyr is a nice guy. ;3 They can’t ALL be moody meanies.
hey, Odin, I know who has your spear! Look for a vampire named Remilia in a land called Gensokyo! /end Touhou reference
Haha! I don’t get that reference, but thank you for reading anyway. XD
Awww, Freyr’s such a sweetie here. Everyone’s all gloomy and serious over their lost weapons, while he’s just smiling like there’s nothing wrong in the world. c:
Wonderful comic here, been reading for an hour or so and I’m completely hooked!
Thank you! Yeah Freyr’s just a nice guy, he doesn’t see a reason to frown at the kid. XD
Wait… wait a minute… Panel 2… was that a … smile from Coal?
His face in the last panel reminds me to no end of this: https://31.media.tumblr.com/4409f8a9a641a24724549066a66bf473/tumblr_mtbiewdgc11qg3q94o1_250.gif