Choosing sides.

The chapter is finally over!! I sure hope I don’t need to do another 30+ page chapter again cuz that was a lot. I think it was necessary though as it sets up a major plot point all of you Norse nerds already know of, but perhaps in an unexpected way. :3

Anyway, now comes the customary chapter break!! Because this chapter was such a beast, and I lost my day job last week, I need to take a longer break than usual. I hope to get the next chapter going on September 5th but we’ll see. My editor is busier than before and it may take longer to get feedback. I also need to find a new job because I need money for, y’know, staying alive.

The story overall is steadily climbing to the climax, though, and I hope you all continue to check back. Please spread the word to your friends and the Internet! As always, thank you so much for reading. <3