For all his occasional jackassery Coal isn’t really that bad a guy. Gruff yes but he was more than ready to help Loki’s kids, he saved Hedda and took to Arne very quickly. Considering that his old village likely knew him well I’m sure he had plenty of friends.
And we still don’t really know how long it has been since his death. Is it months or years? That had to do his head in a bit. Expecting to go to Valhella and being told “no, do this and perhaps you can then get in”. Odin is a jerk. I don’t blame Loki for ‘trolling’ him and the other gods.
Just a shame that Coal, Ibrahim and Arne are caught in the middle.
If I had to guess I’d say they’ve been travelling for a month and a few weeks (take into account that I’ve never travelled by magic boat or Jormungandr before, basically just looked at a map of northern Europe).
wait, Coal had scrawny friends before Ibrahim? Coal had friends before Ibrahim?
I was just coming into the comments to ask the same thing 😀
For all his occasional jackassery Coal isn’t really that bad a guy. Gruff yes but he was more than ready to help Loki’s kids, he saved Hedda and took to Arne very quickly. Considering that his old village likely knew him well I’m sure he had plenty of friends.
Who said it was plural, lol.
And we still don’t really know how long it has been since his death. Is it months or years? That had to do his head in a bit. Expecting to go to Valhella and being told “no, do this and perhaps you can then get in”. Odin is a jerk. I don’t blame Loki for ‘trolling’ him and the other gods.
Just a shame that Coal, Ibrahim and Arne are caught in the middle.
If I had to guess I’d say they’ve been travelling for a month and a few weeks (take into account that I’ve never travelled by magic boat or Jormungandr before, basically just looked at a map of northern Europe).